Kelly Hunter

Artistic Director

Situational Centre for Ukraine, Sofia Bulgaria. October 2022. Impromptu lunchtime concert with Ukrainian children 

"It's a privilege to run Flute. The plays create  a living practice for everyone involved."

  • Joshua Welch | Associate Artist/Performer

    Joshua Welch | Associate Artist/Performer

    “It's been a life changing experience to re-awaken the true meaning of play and joy, seeing the effect it has on the children and their families creating true community all over the world. Flute Theatre’s arms reach far and wide”

  • Natasha Haward, Actor

    Natasha Haward | Associate Artist/Performer

    “Having the privilege of working with Flute has enabled me to witness first hand the true power, possibilities and purpose of Theatre. It's taught me that with authenticity and love, magic will happen and indeed it does.“


  • Janet Suzman DBE

    'I am honoured to be associated as a patron with Kelly Hunter and her company. She does such innovative and adventurous work, based on Shakespeare’s ever-joyous poetry, reaching into a neglected and ignored hinterland in our society. The results are thrilling for both the participants and the actors. Hurrah for Flute!’

The Company

  • headshot of alistair hoyle, actor in black and white

    Alistair Hoyle | Performer

    “It is theatre that is completely honest, alive and it is rooted in the beautiful world and language of Shakespeare. A universal language that is spoken through the body and soul as much as it is with words.”

  • Aretha Ayeh, Actor

    Aretha Ayeh | Performer

    “Flute Theatre to me is what theatre truly is all about, creating and sharing stories that speak to the heart of the people no matter who or where they are. They make theatre that is inclusive for everyone. The work they do is incredibly important and vital not just for those with autism and their families, but for all of us“

  • Charlie Archer, Actor

    Charlie Archer | Performer

    “It is the dream of every theatre practitioner that their art might cause a lasting difference in somebody's life. Flute Theatre is the only company in which I've actually seen this happen. The positive potential in every single show is limitless.“

  • Katy Stephens, Actor

    Katy Stephens | Performer

    “From Flute's beautiful and groundbreaking work with children with autism to their dynamic and ingenious productons, Kelly Hunter and William Shakespeare's hearts beat with tireless humanity.“

  • Mohit Mathur, Actor

    Mohit Mathur | Performer

    “Working with flute theatre has been and still is one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. There is nothing more satisfying than to be able to connect with people in the room with total authenticity and a heart full of love. What I've learned and keep learning in my time with the kids is priceless“

  • Oliver Mclellan, Actor

    Oliver Mclellan | Performer

    “Working for Flute is the most rewarding experience I can imagine for an actor. To have the opportunity to do work that is present, playful and meaningful is such a privilege, and every single day is fascinating.“

  • Paul Gorostidi, Actor

    Paul Gorostidi | Performer

    “The work of Flute is so important. Simple and unconventional. I'm very proud to be a part of it“

  • Sifiso Mazibuko, Actor

    Sifiso Mazibuko | Performer

    “This work is transformative and extremely beautiful. The tender exchange of love and humanity is at the heart of Flute Theatre. I am always changed“

  • Quim Avila Conde, Actor, Assistant Director

    Quim Avila Conde | Performer & Assistant Director

    “Imagine a place where for the very first time in your life you're not treated as a 'victim', a place where you're asked for help and your identity is taken as something more than just the word autism. This place is called Flute Theatre.“

  • Craig West

    Craig West | Lighting Designer

    An inspirational company to work with that has made me look at Shakespeare's work differently! Flute has heart at the centre of everything it does and I feel very privileged to be the lighting designer for their work

  • Andrei Nistor | Performer

    Working with Flute Theatre is like being immersed in one of my favourite cartoons. It's fun, colourful, joyful and heartwarming! The soft explosion of songs, dance and theatre makes one forget all their worries no matter their age, while remembering the very essence of play. I'm so happy I get to work with a bunch of amazing artists that have so much energy and love for their craft!

  • Carina Torres | Performer

    Working with Flute Theatre has been an absolute joy. The work is beautiful and the individuals and families we get to meet and work with are even more extraordinary.

  • Mercedes | Musician/Composer

    The work of Flute is soulful, transformative and unique. I am very proud to be part of it

  • Millie Smith | Performer

    Flute theatre to me is community, compassion and joy. It’s a safe space that welcomes all. A place to exist without judgment. It’s a microcosm of how society should aspire to be. It’s an absolute pleasure to be apart of this wonderful family.

  • Catherine Kay | Performer

    The people and families we have met through working with Flute are so open-hearted and full of joy. Each session is completely unique to who we have in the room, creating a space where true response to the individual can exist.

  • luke pillay's headshot

    Luke Pillay | Creative Associate

    “Working with flute theatre has been a great adventure. The cast has been fun and absolutely amazing to work with. I have never experienced particular type of games with Shakespeare. One of my favourite plays that I enjoyed doing with flute theatre was 'Pericles Prince of Tyre.' 'Pericles! Oh, my heart, Oh my head!'“

  • Gabriel's headshot

    Gabriel Shaughnessy | Creative Associate

    “Gabriel's work with Flute has been transformative for all of us. Playing with Shakespeare has given us a shared language and opened a door to a new world. (Robert Shaughnessy. Gabriel's father)“

  • Alice Hallifax | Designer

    The breadth and fearlessness of Flute’s work is inspiring. I feel very lucky to be working with this company and love how instinctively we create together.

Board of Trustees

  • Professor Robert Shaughnessy

    Professor Robert Shaughnessy

    “Flute’s work is extraordinary in the deepest sense of the word, remaking our understanding and experience of what Shakespeare is, and can be. It creates a space to meet, to play, and, above all, to dream.”

  • Dr Jamie Ward

    Dr Jamie Ward

    “The effect of the actors on the children’s behaviour is remarkable — and very moving. In some of the shows I was trying to be a detached scientist type, but I kept getting drawn in by what was going on, and found myself wiping away a tear or two. The work of Flute really is quite special.” For more on the scientific work Jamie does with Flute, see Deconstructing The Dream.

  • Ninad Samaddar

    Ninad Samaddar

    “With Flute Theatre I rediscovered the steps leading back to my immortal inner child.”

  • David Jobson

    “I was drawn to Flute as someone who is on the high end of the spectrum and a Shakespeare fan who performs as a hobby. I wanted to know more and was invited to participate in the shows. Now I feel proud to be a part of the family and contributing to the cause.”

  • Jane Claire OBE

    Jane Claire OBE

    Working with Kelly and all the talented people involved with Flute is a source of great pride to me. I never fail to be moved by what they achieve and the positive effect they have on the lives of young people and their families.

  • Professor Michael Dobson

    Professor Michael Dobson

    “I have become increasingly interested in Shakespeare beyond mainstream professional performance, and I have been enthusiastically involved in Kelly Hunter's work with excluded audiences since 2001.”

  • Talia Rodgers

    Talia Rodgers

    “I’ve followed Kelly’s unique work with Flute for many years and am passionate about its ability to transform and enrich lives. I could not be more proud to be involved as a trustee.”